Invitation to Community Sport Hub Meeting

Gilvenbank CSH briefing note Date: January 27th, 2021.

The meeting will be held online via zoom on Wednesday 10th February at 7pm.

What is a community sport hub?

Community sport hubs provide a home for sport. They bring together sport clubs and key local partners who want to develop and grow the sporting offering in the community, focusing on sustainable, community-led approaches that get clubs working together to develop welcoming, safe and fun environments for sport.

Community sport hubs are National Lottery funded and are one of SportScotland’s key programmes which contributes to Legacy and supports local sport clubs to play their part in a world class sporting system. A community sport hub is focused on the clubs around a sport centre, community centre, school, park or a playing field pavilion. In some cases, a community sport hub combines a number of these places, or it may simply centre on a single-venue hosting many clubs. The ‘hub’ is essentially a collective of progressive sport clubs working together in a local community.

Gilvenbank Community Sport Hub was established in 2015 and became a constituted charity and a SCIO in 2015. The Hub set out to seek funding to build a community clubhouse at Gilvenbank Park. Something that we were successful in achieving in 2019. Currently Glenrothes Cricket Club and Glenrothes Athletic Football Club call home and a number of other community groups utilise. Throughout this time, we have built many valuable relationships with local community groups and businesses to allow us to continue to support our local community. To enhance this outreach, we wish to invite other sports clubs in Glenrothes to consider formally joining the community sport hub. Below is an overview of the community sport hub to consider:

Purpose (Our “why”)

• Developing a shared vision for how sport will change lives in Glenrothes

• Sharing knowledge on engaging memberships & the local communities during lockdown

• Sharing opportunities to upskill young people and future club volunteers

• Create leadership opportunities through sport for people in Glenrothes

• Help increase the number of inactive people becoming active in Glenrothes

Benefits of joining the hub

• Direct support from Fife council’s community sport hub officer

• Access to further training + club development opportunities

• Monthly digital newsletter from the CSH network

• Increased links to the wider community through growing partnerships

• Funding support

If you would like to learn more information about Gilvenbank community sport hub, please contact either Kenny Crichton (Chairperson) at or Ross Taylor (Community Sport Hub Officer) at to arrange a call or virtual meeting.

1 Reply to "Invitation to Community Sport Hub Meeting"

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    Gavin Harrower
    February 2, 2021 (1:08 pm)

    Hi this sounds an amazing opportunity to link in with the established sports hub.
    My names Gavin Harrower and I help run Mini Muky Mondayz which runs at Gilvenbank Park already.
    We have over 30 children at present participating in our sessions on Monday evening.
    This would probably rise if we can bring in more coaches.
    We have previously made enquiries to fund out what is required to join the sports Hub.

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